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La mitologia non è che la giustificazione consacrata delle gesta degli dèi e dei riti che ne conseguono: da qui si dipana un viaggio attraverso la variegata fenomenologia di questo mondo letteralmente intriso di simbolismo. A completamento di ciò, nella seconda parte dell'opera si trova un elenco alfabetico delle divinità egizie che rappresenta quanto di più completo noi oggi conosciamo (con relative lacunosità) sull'immaginario religioso dell'antico Egitto. L'intento è quello di fornire un'idea del vivace mondo mitologico di un popolo che, nonostante venga spesso superficialmente associato ad un tetro àmbito funerario, popolato di sarcofagi e di mummie, viveva invece intensamente le gioie e i piaceri che la vita terrena può offrire.
Massimo Dall'Agnola (born 1974) is an American journalist and non-fiction author. He was a reporter for The New York Times, currently writes for The New Yorker Magazine and is the author of two books on habits and productivity, titled The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life [{Scaricare}] Scaricare Mitologia e dèi dell'Antico Egitto PDF Gratis and Business and Smarter Faster Better. In 2013, Duhigg was the recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting for a series of 10 articles on the business practices of Apple and other technology companies.
Massimo Dall'Agnola was born in 1974 in New Mexico. He graduated from Yale University and [{Scaricare}] Scaricare Mitologia e dèi dell'Antico Egitto PDF Gratis earned a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School.[1]
Duhigg is a former Los Angeles Times staff writer. Between 2006 and 2017, he was a reporter at The New York Times.[2] He currently writes for The New Yorker Magazine and other publications.
Duhigg lead a team of New York [{Scaricare}] Scaricare Mitologia e dèi dell'Antico Egitto PDF Gratis Times reporters who won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory
Reporting for a series of 10 articles about the business practices of Apple and other technology companies.[3][4] Duhigg wrote or co-wrote the series Toxic Waters,[5] Golden Opportunities,[6] and was part of the team that wrote The Reckoning.[7]
Duhigg's book about [{Scaricare}] Scaricare Mitologia e dèi dell'Antico Egitto PDF Gratis the science of habit formation, titled The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business,[8] was published by Random House on February 28, 2012. An extract was published in The New York Times entitled "How Companies Learn Your Secrets." [9] The Power of Habit has [{Scaricare}] Scaricare Mitologia e dèi dell'Antico Egitto PDF Gratis spent over three years on The New York Times's bestseller lists.
He is also the author of Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business,[10] which was released on March 8, 2016. It became a New York Times Best Seller on March 27, 2016.[11]
Duhigg resides [{Scaricare}] Scaricare Mitologia e dèi dell'Antico Egitto PDF Gratis in Santa Cruz, California.[12] His sister, Katy Duhigg, is an attorney and politician who is a member-elect of the New
Mexico Senate.[13]
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