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Carolina Maria Margarita Invernizio (28 March 1851 - 27 November 1916), better known just as Carolina Invenizio, was an Italian novelist. She had a large popular success between late 1800s until her death.
Invenizio was born in Voghera, the daughter of an official of the Kingdom of Sardinia. She long (DOWNLOAD) Scarica e leggi online Eneide. Testo latino a fronte pdf credited her date of birth as 1858, but in 1983 after long researches in the municipal registers she eventually resulted to be born in 1851.[1]
In 1865 she moved with her family to Florence, where she studied at the Istituto Magistrale.[1]
Invenizio made her writing debut in 1876, with the (DOWNLOAD) Scarica e leggi online Eneide. Testo latino a fronte pdf short story Un autore drammatico.[1] In 1877 she published her first novel, Rina o L'angelo delle Alpi.[1][2]
Invernizio wrote about 150 novels and 20 collections of novelle, as well as four books of fiction for children.[2] Influenced by feuilleton literature, she had an enormous popular following with her novels characterized (DOWNLOAD) Scarica e leggi online Eneide. Testo latino a fronte pdf by sensationalist, melodramatic and often gothic themes.[1][2] She was often
badly received by critics, and Antonio Gramsci referred to her as an "old trooper" and a "honest hen", eventually regretting these remarks.[1][3]
In 1881, aged 30 years old, Invenizio married a Bersaglieri lieutenant, Marcello Quinterno, and at 35 years (DOWNLOAD) Scarica e leggi online Eneide. Testo latino a fronte pdf old she had her only daughter, Marcella. She followed her husband during his deployments, moving to Turin and Cuneo, among other cities.[1][2]
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