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"Canne al vento" è un romanzo di Grazia Deledda. Uscito a puntate su L'Illustrazione Italiana, dal 12 gennaio al 27 aprile 1913, dopo qualche mese fu pubblicato in volume, presso l'editore Treves di Milano. Il titolo dell'opera più famosa della scrittrice sarda (Premio Nobel per la letteratura, 1926) allude al tema profondo della fragilità umana e del dolore dell'esistenzaNel libro “Canne al vento” vengono affrontati temi come: la fragilità, l’amore, l’onore, la povertà e l’amara consapevolezza di un destino già segnato. Gli uomini e le donne sono visti come esseri fragili, piegati come canne al vento: sopra di noi esiste una forza soprannaturale (la sorte) che non possiamo in alcun modo contrastare e combattere. La scrittrice, in questo caso, prende spunto dal romanzo “Elias Portolu” del 1903, che già faceva notare la misera vita degli uomini, sballottati come canne al vento.Da sfondo, troviamo il paesaggio sardo, visto come un mondo senza tempo e pervaso da una sorta di mistero. La scrittrice descrive l’amata Sardegna, soffermandosi da una parte sulla staticità delle antiche usanze di paese e dall’altra ne rileva il rapido sviluppo industriale e tecnologico. Nel romanzo “Canne al vento“, Grazia Deledda si diletta a scrivere sia in lingua italiana che in lingua sarda, utilizzando molto spesso termini dialettali.
Grazia Maria Cosima Damiana Deledda (Italian pronunciation: [??rattsja de?l?dda], Sardinian: [de?l???a]; 27 September 1871 – 15 August 1936), also known in Sardinian language as Gràssia or Gràtzia Deledda,[1][2] was an Italian writer who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1926[3] "for her idealistically inspired writings which with plastic clarity picture the (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download life on her native island [i.e. Sardinia] and with depth and sympathy deal with human problems in general".[4] She was the first Italian woman to receive the prize, and only the second woman in general after Selma Lagerlöf was awarded hers in 1909.[5]
Deledda was born in Nuoro, Sardinia, into (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download a middle-class family, to Giovanni Antonio Deledda and Francesca Cambosu, as the fourth of seven siblings. She attended elementary school (the minimum required at the time) and was then educated by a private tutor (a guest of one of her relatives) and moved on to study literature on her own. (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download It was during this time that she started displaying an
interest in writing short novels, mostly inspired by the life of Sardinian peasants and their struggles. Her teacher encouraged her to submit her writing to a newspaper and, at age 13, her first story was published in a local journal.[6] (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download Some of Deledda's early works were published in the fashion magazine L'ultima moda between 1888 and 1889. In 1890 Trevisani published Nell'azzurro (Into the Blue), her first collection of short stories. Deledda's main focus was the representation of poverty and the struggles associated with it through a combination of imaginary (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download and autobiographical elements. Her family wasn't particularly supportive of her desire to write.
Deledda's first novel, Fiori di Sardegna (Flowers of Sardinia) was published in 1892. Her 1896 book Paesaggi sardi, published by Speirani, is characterized by a prose both informed by fiction and poetry. Around this (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download time Deledda initiated a regular collaboration with newspapers and magazines, most notably La Sardegna, Piccola Rivista and Nuova Antologia. Her
work earned significant visibility as well as critical interest. In October 1899, Deledda met Palmiro Madesani, a functionary of the Ministry of Finance, in Cagliari.[7] Madesani and Deledda were married (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download in 1900 and the couple moved to Rome right after the publication of Deledda's Il vecchio della montagna (The Old Man from the Mountain, 1900). Despite the birth of her two sons, Sardus (1901) and Francesco "Franz" (1904),[8] Deledda managed to continue to write prolifically, publishing about a novel a (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download year.[8]
In 1903 she published Elias Portolu, which was met with commercial and critical success, boasting her reputation as a writer. This was followed by Cenere (Ashes, 1904); L'edera (The Ivy, 1908); Sino al confine (To the Border, 1910); Colombi e sparvieri (Doves and Sparrows, 1912); and her most (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download popular book, Canne al vento (Reeds in the Wind, 1913).
In 1916 Cenere was the inspiration for a silent movie with famed Italian actress Eleonora Duse. It was the first
and only time that Duse, a theatre performer, appeared in a film.
In 1926 Henrik Schück, a member of (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download the Swedish Academy, nominated Deledda for the Nobel Prize in Literature.[9] Deledda won "for her idealistically inspired writings which with plastic clarity picture the life on her native island and with depth and sympathy deal with human problems in general." She was awarded the Prize in a ceremony in Stockholm (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download in 1926. Her initial response to the news was "Già?" ("Already?") Deledda's win contributed to increase her popularity. Benito Mussolini, who had just consolidated his grip to power and established Fascism, sent Deledda a signed portrait of himself, with a dedication where he expressed his "profound admiration" for the writer. (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download Flocks of journalists and photographers started visiting her home in Rome. Deledda initially welcomed them but eventually grew tired of the attention. One day she noticed that her beloved pet crow, Checca, was visibly irritated by the commotion, with people
constantly coming in and out of the house. "If Checca (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download has had enough, so have I," Deledda was quoted as saying, and she returned to a more retired routine. The events also put a strain on Deledda's extremely methodical writings schedule. Her day would start with a late breakfast, followed by a morning of hard reading, lunch, a quick nap (DOWNLOAD) Canne al vento libro - Kindle pdf download and a few hours of writing before dinner.
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