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Nel ciclismo moderno le metodologie di allenamento basate sul misuratore di potenza non sono più una prerogativa riservata ai professionisti. Ogni praticante potrà infatti sfruttare questa tecnologia, grazie alle indicazioni contenute in questo manuale, per leggere e analizzare i dati registrati in allenamento e in gara. "Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza" insegna a determinare con precisione assoluta il power profile personale, individuando punti di forza, e a definire il fatigue profile, misurando la capacità di resistenza alla fatica in 12 diversi intervalli di tempo: un processo analitico finalizzato alla creazione di allenamenti mirati all'eliminazione dei propri punti deboli. Gli autori Hunter Alien e Andrew Coggan, spiegando i concetti universali che si celano dietro i grafici di potenza e favorendo l'interpretazione dei dati riguardanti la potenza, la cadenza, la velocità e la frequenza cardiaca, sono riusciti a innescare un processo che ha già prodotto una rivoluzione nel modo di allenarsi dei ciclisti di tutto il mondo. Il fatto di saper leggere e interpretare determinati valori permetterà il monitoraggio delle oscillazioni della condizione atletica e una opportuna programmazione per raggiungere la prestazione ottimale. L'offerta pratica è completata da oltre 65 allenamenti basati sulla potenza, casi-studio di atleti amatoriali, professionisti e master e centinaia di tabelle e grafici.
Hunter Allen (Turkish: Zeynep Tüfekçi; [zej?nep ty?fekt?i]; ZAY-nep tuu-FEK-chee) is a sociologist and writer. Her work focuses on the social implications of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and big data, as well as societal challenges such as the pandemic using complex and systems-based thinking. She has been described as “having Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 a habit on being right on the big things” by The New York Times[1] and as one of the most prominent academic voices on social media by The Chronicle of Higher Education.[2] She is currently a writer for the Times and The Atlantic and has written regular columns for Wired Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 and the Scientific American in the past, as well as contributing to a variety of outlets including The New Yorker, The Washington Post, USA Today, Financial Times and others. She is currently an associate professor at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina and Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 a faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet
and Society at Harvard University.[3][4]
Tufekci was born in Istanbul, Turkey, near Taksim Gezi Park in Istanbul's Beyo?lu district.[5]
In 1995, Tufekci received a B.A. in sociology from Istanbul University, as well as an undergraduate degree in computer programming from Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 Bosphorus University.[6] In 1999, Tufekci received an M.A. from the Radio-Television-Film Department at the University of Texas at Austin. Her thesis was called "Mental Deskilling in the Age of the Smart Machine". In 2004, Tufekci earned a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Her thesis was titled "In Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 Search of Lost Jobs: The Rhetoric and Practice of Computer Skills Training”.
Tufekci worked as a computer programmer before becoming an academic and turning her attention to social science.
From 2005 to 2008, Tufekci was a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). From 2008 to 2011, she was an assistant professor at UMBC.
In 2011, Tufekci moved to
North Carolina and became an assistant professor at UNC School of Information and Library Science as well as an adjunct assistant professor at the Department of Sociology at University of Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
In 2012, Tufekci became a faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society research facility at Harvard University.[7]
In 2012, Tufekci was one of the first to express concern about political campaigns impacted by and driven by big data in the form Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 of "Smart Campaigns".[8] This early warning was eventually recognized as prescient after Donald Trump was elected in 2016.[4] Tufekci's research and publications include topics such as the effect of big data on politics and the public sphere,[9] how social media affects social movements, and the privacy and security vulnerabilities exposed Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 by the coming Internet of Things. In general, she has sought to outline the potential negative societal consequences of social media and big data, while not rejecting these phenomena outright.
Tufekci's work has often emphasized examining business models of these technologies. She often speaks about their use of engagement algorithms.[10][11]
Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 Also from 2012, Tufekci has focused on explaining social contagion and mass shootings and its direct relation to social media.[12][13][14] She has repeatedly urged both online and in op-eds[15] that outlets should avoid repetition of the killer's name and face as well as step-by-step discussions of their methods.[16][17] The phenomenon Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 of suicide contagion via social media and news coverage is part of Tufekci's analytical work.[18]
Tufekci has written on pandemic planning and social responses. In 2014 she wrote on Ebola and pandemic preparedness.[19]
In 2016, Tufekci was featured in a special report by The Economist on technology and politics in Allenarsi e gareggiare con il misuratore di potenza: 1 which she argues that the increasingly individualized targeting of voters by political campaigns is leading to a reduction of the "public sphere" in which civic
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