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Una storia religiosa del sud, un'indagine etnologica che spiega perché il momento magico sia sopravvisuto nella vita culturale meridionale e come questa abbia partecipato consapevolmente alla grande alternativa tra "magia" e "razionalità" da cui è nata la civiltà moderna. De Martino esplora le sopravvivenze lucane di rozze pratiche di magia cerimoniale, quali fascinazione stregonesca, possessione, esorcismo, fattura, analizzando la struttura delle tecniche magiche, la loro funzione psicologica, il regime di esistenza che ne favorisce la riproduzione.
Ernesto de Martino (1 December 1908 – 9 May 1965) was an Italian anthropologist, philosopher and historian of religions. He studied with Benedetto Croce and Adolfo Omodeo, and did field research with Diego Carpitella into the funeral rituals of Lucania and the tarantism.
Ernesto de Martino was born in [{Scaricare}] Sud e magia PDF Download Ebook Gratis Libro Naples, Italy, where he studied under Adolfo Omodeo, graduating with a degree in philosophy in 1932. His degree thesis, subsequently published, dealt with the historical and philological problem of the Eleusinian Gephyrismi (ritual injuries addressed to the goddess) and provides an important methodological introduction to the concept of religion. Clearly [{Scaricare}] Sud e magia PDF Download Ebook Gratis Libro influenced by reading Das Heilige by Rudolf Otto, de Martino preferred to emphasize the choleric nature of the believer, overturning the German scholar's thesis and making it capable of being applied to relations with gods in polytheistic religions and spirits in animist religions.
Attracted by the ideological stance of the [{Scaricare}] Sud e magia PDF Download Ebook Gratis Libro regime, for several years de Martino worked on an essay
interpreting Fascism as a historically convenient form of civil religion. However, the attempt was insubstantial and the work, still unpublished, was gradually rejected by the author, who subsequently approached left-wing ideas and after the war became a supporter of the [{Scaricare}] Sud e magia PDF Download Ebook Gratis Libro Italian Communist Party. At this time, which we now call the "Neapolitan" period, lasting until 1935, de Martino fell under the spell of the personality and work of an archaeologist who was particularly open-minded concerning the ancient history of religions and who was disliked by both the regime and its [{Scaricare}] Sud e magia PDF Download Ebook Gratis Libro intellectual opponents: Vittorio Macchioro, known for his Orphic interpretation of the frescoes in the Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii and advocate of a theory of religion understood essentially as experience.[1]
From 1957 to his death he taught ethnology and history of religions at Cagliari's University: here, with Alberto Mario Cirese, [{Scaricare}] Sud e magia PDF Download Ebook Gratis Libro Clara Gallini, Giulio Angioni and other scholars he founded the Anthropological School of Cagliari.
De Martino has also been a
very charismatic mentor and teacher. One of his students, the writer Muzi Epifani, dedicated to him the comedy The Escape. In this work, the protagonist Ernesto discusses the changing role [{Scaricare}] Sud e magia PDF Download Ebook Gratis Libro of women in post-industrial society.[2]
English translations
Italian original editions
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